Prepare for Integrations with LinkedIn Learning: Overview
Prepare for SSO Integration with LinkedIn Learning
Prepare for LMS Integration with LinkedIn Learning
Prepare for LMS Integration with LinkedIn Learning Hub
Partner Content Integration with LinkedIn Learning Hub
Prepare for Integrations with LinkedIn Learning: Course Review
Prepare for Integrations with LinkedIn Learning
Course 4 of 6 in Prepare to Launch Linkedin Learning at your Organization
Get a high-level introduction to the types of integrations available, as well as some basic steps to prepare for integration. Integrations can be fairly technical and they require some planning, so be sure to reach out to your IT support and start preparations as soon as possible.
Get a high-level introduction to the types of integrations available, as well as some basic steps to prepare for integration. Integrations can be fairly technical and they require some planning, so be sure to reach out to your IT support and start preparations as soon as possible.
The tip sheets in this course cover:
- Preparing for integration with your Single Sign-On (SSO) solution
- Preparing for integration with your Learning Management System (LMS) (LinkedIn Learning)
- Preparing for integration with your Learning Management System (LMS) (LinkedIn Learning Hub)
- Preparing for integration with additional content providers (LinkedIn Learning Hub only)