Prepare to Launch LinkedIn Learning at Your Healthcare Organization

This learning path is designed for LinkedIn Learning admins at healthcare organizations to help ensure you have everything you need for a successful LinkedIn Learning Launch.

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This learning path is designed for LinkedIn Learning admins at healthcare organizations to help ensure you have everything you need for a successful LinkedIn Learning Launch.

  • Identify the benefits of LinkedIn Learning for your healthcare organization.
  • Articulate the responsibilities of a LinkedIn Learning admin.
  • Navigate the LinkedIn Learning admin site.
  • Establish learning goals specific to healthcare organizations.
  • Identify and engage with your learning teams, including leadership, learning and development, clinical staff, and floor supervisors.
  • Prepare for integrations with LinkedIn Learning.

Select the first course from below to get started.

Welcome to LinkedIn Learning
Learn about LinkedIn Learning's content and flexibility to take your organization’s learning to the next level. As a LinkedIn Learning Admin, you are uniquely positioned to affect the success of your learning initiatives.
Curricula English Administration 11-15 min CLC-LS Staffing Foundational Corporate LinkedIn Learning
Setting Goals and Timelines for Launching LinkedIn Learning
Start your learning initiative off the right way by starting early and planning your strategy and approach carefully. Learn how you can have a much better chance of realizing your learning goals in this course.
Curricula English Administration 11-15 min CLC-LS Staffing Foundational Corporate LinkedIn Learning
Assemble Your LinkedIn Learning Team
Learn how to secure the right support and manage pre-launch communications for a successful launch of LinkedIn Learning.
Curricula English Administration 11-15 min CLC-LS Staffing Foundational Corporate LinkedIn Learning
Prepare for Integrations with LinkedIn Learning
Get a high-level introduction to the types of integrations available, as well as some basic steps to prepare for integration. Integrations can be fairly technical and they require some planning, so be sure to reach out to your IT support and start preparations as soon as possible.
Curricula English Administration 11-15 min CLC-LS Staffing Foundational Corporate auto-registration LinkedIn Learning
Prepare to Launch LinkedIn Learning at Your Organization - Assessment
This assessment is designed to check your knowledge and reinforce the concepts you’ve learned to prepare for launching LinkedIn Learing at your orgainzation.
15 min
English Assessments 11-15 min CLC-LS Foundational Corporate LinkedIn Learning
Prepare to Launch LinkedIn Learning at your Organization: Additional Resources
See additional resources we have to help you prepare for a successful learning program launch
English Administration < 5 min CLC-LS Staffing Foundational Corporate LinkedIn Learning